Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We had so much fun for halloween this year! It is one of my favorite holidays so I was glad we were able to really enjoy it this year! We took the kids to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving point and had an absolute blast! They had so much fun stuff to do with the kids. There were wooden structures all over the place that had been built to look like trucks, airplanes, castles and other fun things and they usually had a slide or two coming off them.

Then there were the giant air bubble trampolines. Ty was so cute playing on it, and he was the only kid his age that was actually jumping! We got a lot of comments from the other parents about how good he was one it (proud moment!). 

We also got to ride little blow-up horses around a little race track and it was a blast!
The favorite toy of the day however, was the giant slide station. There were big bales of hay stacked on each other and about 10 different slides going off it. Tyler and Scotty had a blast! There was enough different slides that there weren't lines, and the big kids were off doing other stuff that was more "exciting" so he could use it as much as he wanted! By the end of all our playing he was almost tired enough that he couldn't run which is unheard of!

On halloween day we dressed our two little munchkins up as cows. I must say that I think they were the cutest cows I've ever seen! We took them trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and Ty had so much fun going up to each of the doors and getting candy. He didn't quite understand what all was going on, why we weren't going in the houses for example, but he still really enjoyed himself.

Overall I would say we had an AWESOME halloween. It's different than the halloweens from before we had kids, and at first I was a little bummed that we weren't dressing up and stuff, but as we got to enjoy watching all the fun the kids were having I had just as much fun as in years past. Happy Halloween everyone!