Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We had so much fun for halloween this year! It is one of my favorite holidays so I was glad we were able to really enjoy it this year! We took the kids to Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving point and had an absolute blast! They had so much fun stuff to do with the kids. There were wooden structures all over the place that had been built to look like trucks, airplanes, castles and other fun things and they usually had a slide or two coming off them.

Then there were the giant air bubble trampolines. Ty was so cute playing on it, and he was the only kid his age that was actually jumping! We got a lot of comments from the other parents about how good he was one it (proud moment!). 

We also got to ride little blow-up horses around a little race track and it was a blast!
The favorite toy of the day however, was the giant slide station. There were big bales of hay stacked on each other and about 10 different slides going off it. Tyler and Scotty had a blast! There was enough different slides that there weren't lines, and the big kids were off doing other stuff that was more "exciting" so he could use it as much as he wanted! By the end of all our playing he was almost tired enough that he couldn't run which is unheard of!

On halloween day we dressed our two little munchkins up as cows. I must say that I think they were the cutest cows I've ever seen! We took them trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and Ty had so much fun going up to each of the doors and getting candy. He didn't quite understand what all was going on, why we weren't going in the houses for example, but he still really enjoyed himself.

Overall I would say we had an AWESOME halloween. It's different than the halloweens from before we had kids, and at first I was a little bummed that we weren't dressing up and stuff, but as we got to enjoy watching all the fun the kids were having I had just as much fun as in years past. Happy Halloween everyone!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

There and Back Again

Also in May came the supposed big opportunity to move to Rock Springs, WY and earn some "big money".  Scotty was looking for a Summer job when he found out about some truck driving jobs in Wyoming for the oil and natural gas companies.  Supposedly the pay was great and the hours were good (4 days on working 12 hours, then 3 days off).  So we made the move. We packed up our house as well as our new little 2 week old baby and moved to an apartment in Rock Springs.  That's when the real job realities hit. The company cut the employee pay by about 30% a week after we moved there. They also made the employees work up to 30 hours straight with no breaks, and then call them in to work on their days off as well (with no overtime pay I might add).  Soon it dawned on us that if we stayed there any longer we'd start losing money. Our rent was almost double what you can get a place in Utah for and the pay was not going to be enough to keep us afloat. So after all that work and effort, we made the move back to Utah a mere month and a half after moving away.  On a positive note, where as we had been renting a basement apartment before the Rock Springs fiasco, when we moved back we were able to find a perfect little house for us to rent. We now have more room for our Tasmanian devil 2 year old to run wild, as well as space for some relaxing. Scotty was also able to get a job with a rapidly expanding job at a company called Open Air Cinema as their Technology and Manufacturing specialist; at Open Air Scotty is finally able to put all his ingenuity to good use at a place where they really appreciate him and his talents. So we have to admit, that although the move to Rock Springs was a joke, it was the perfect little kick in the pants to get us into a home of our own and a great job for Scotty.


In May I earned an Associate of Science degree from Utah Valley University in History and Political Science. I graduated with high honors and a 4.0 gpa. Since then I changed the focus of my education from History to Drafting technology.  Although I love history with a passion, it seems that my opinion of what makes things important or interesting in history was not shared by the history department at UVU. After I recieved my associates I felt like I knew no more about history then when I started and felt that my efforts would be better spent in some other field. I chose drafting for several reasons, 1) I like working with my hands but I'm no where near artistic enough to do anything art related; 2) I can use a skill like this to work from home in the future; 3) Some day I'd really love to design my own house :) So with these thoughts on drafting and knowing nothing about it, I started my journey into the drafting technology field. What a find! A LOVE drafting and it turns out that so far I'm really good at it! I'm also almost as far in this degree as I was with the history degree because the history degree was HUGE and I have all my generals done. So now that I think I'm finally in a degree that I will enjoy enough and be good enough at to get my bachelors degree, my real scholastic journey has begun!

Welcome to the family Kortney!

On April 18, 2011 we welcomed our sweet little Kortney Brooke Robinson into the world. After a full week of intense false labor (can I say how much I hate the term "false labor"? It feels very real when you're experiencing it!) I was enduced a week early. Kortney made her first appearance after a really easy birth compared to her older brother. She weighed 6 lbs 0 oz and had a full head of dark brown hair.  Since her birth she has been our family's little angel. She is always happy and content, quick to smile, and an absolute joy to have around. She also happens to look like my little clone! She looks almost identical to me when I was the same age. I'll talk to my mom about getting a picture of me and I'll post it on here so you can see for yourself.  Kortney is now 6 months old and we are thrilled to have her with us.

New resolve

Okay. I have decided that this blog has been a joke until now, and I have resolved to try really hard to make it worth following. Regular updates are my goal! So to begin with I'll do my best to catch you up on what has happened since my last post where I announced that I was expecting. The posts that follow this will give at least a general idea of what has happend, and after this point I'll try and keep this updated. Enjoy!